Tag Archives: monsanto
Court Rejects Genetically Modified Sugar Beets
Court Rejects Genetically Modified Sugar Beets
“SAN FRANCISCO — The government illegally approved a genetically modified, herbicide-resistant strain of sugar beets without adequately considering the chance they will contaminate other beet crops, a federal judge in San Francisco has ruled.”…
They will contaminate other crops just like the corn, soybeans, cotton and canola GMO crops that were approved in the early 90s…
Shouldn’t Monsanto be thinking about how to filter it’s Roundup Ready herbicide out of the water supply? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/27/water-utilities-lack-prop_n_270714.html
Expert Jeffrey M. Smith, author of the #1 GMO bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, entertains a wildly appreciative audience with shocking facts about how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entered our lives. Smith links GMO to toxins, allergies, infertility, … Continue reading
In an interview today, the lawyer for Syngenta Crop Protection Inc., Kurt Reeg, said the water districts had requested documents outside of the scope of the lawsuit.
“They’re asking what efforts have been made to lobby congress and the EPA with respect to herbicide legislation,” Reeg said. “They want to know about all of Syngenta’s trade association activities. It’s totally out of the realm of this case.”
Water Utilities Lack Proper Filters For Weed-Killer (Monsanto’s RoundUp etc)
Water Utilities Lack Proper Filters For Weed-Killer (Monsanto’s RoundUp etc)
Great news… It is just now an issue that water utilties are unable to filter out pesticides, herbicides and other industrial waste. It would make too much sense to have proper disposal and filtration methods for these chemicals before using them in the first place…
But it is probably the case that there is no safe method to dispose of these chemicals… No matter where they are, they are bad.
Jeffrey Smith: Lyme/Autism Group Blasts Genetically Modified Foods as Dangerous
Jeffrey Smith: Lyme/Autism Group Blasts Genetically Modified Foods as Dangerous
GMOs: pervasive and high-risk
The five main GM foods are soy, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets. Their derivatives are found in more than 70% of the foods in the supermarket. The primary reason the plants are engineered is to allow them to drink poison. They’re inserted with bacterial genes that allow them to survive otherwise deadly doses of poisonous herbicide. Biotech companies sell the seed and herbicide as a package deal. Roundup Ready crops survive sprays of Roundup. Liberty Link crops survive Liberty. US farmers use hundreds of millions of pounds more herbicide because of these herbicide-tolerant crops, and the higher toxic residues end up inside of us. The LIA position paper acknowledges that “Individuals with infections that compromise immunity… and/or high toxin loads may also be especially susceptible to adverse effects from pesticides.”
Some GM corn and cotton varieties are also designed to produce poison. Inserted genes from a soil bacterium produce an insect-killing poison called Bt-toxin in every cell of the plant. Bt is associated with allergic and toxic reactions in humans and animals, and may create havoc in our digestive system (see below).
Jeffrey Smith: You’re Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It’s Not So! (GM Food)
Jeffrey Smith: You’re Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It’s Not So! (GM Food)
Get your Monsanto out of my Government…
This article explains that Obama is appointing Monsanto’s Dennis Wolff as Food Safety Czar.
I thought Obama said he was going to require labels on all genetically modified foods once he won the presidency. I have seen nothing that leads me to believe he is going to start requiring GM food labels any time soon. Unlike the UK…
The article goes on to explain how Dennis Wolff “… unilaterally declared that labeling products rbGH-free was illegal, and that all such labels must be removed from shelves statewide. This would, of course, eliminate the label from all national brands, as they couldn’t afford to create separate packaging for just one state.”
Smith also provides a brief history of Monsanto’s GMO Food assault against the spaceship Earth…
I wonder how Dennis Wolff was compensated by Monsanto to declare the labeling of rBGH-free milk illegal. Wasn’t Obama supposed to make a website to track this kind of stuff too?